Thursday, September 9, 2010

HDR - earthquake edition

-Hey there! It's been awhile eh?
-How can I possibly not comment on the recent earthquake. It's amazing the amount of damage that's occurred in the city. It's a real shame some of those magnificent historic buildings have to be brought down, and although many people have been severely affected, it's one big 747-sized miracle that no one was killed.
-One thing you find out in an event such as this is how blindingly quick and efficient the city is at restoring power and services. The difference in efficiency between Malaysia and New Zealand is night and Day. So good luck with your current water cut there, klang valley.
-You wouldn't know an earthquake struck the flats I live in. Ilam fees totally worth it now. Aftershocks continue, and Uni has been postponed for yet another week. Hope the extra holiday doesn't come back to bite come year end.
- May go help with clean up in effected areas on Friday.. unless, you know... a building lands on me and I die...
- Ok, so the photos have almost nothing to do with the earthquake apart from being taken on the way back from viewing the destruction in the city. Maybe the picture of the cordoned street counts? Whatever the case, it makes for a more eye-catching title. If you want to view my photos of the destruction, head to my facebook page.

So, lately I've been tinkering around with HDR a wee bit. However, these few are not HDR in a true sense as they were all constructed with one shot... so sue me, I was in a moving car.
I edited the exposures of each photo with Adobe Lightroom to form 9 different exposures of each photo and generated the HDR image using photomatix. Non photo enthusiast will probably be utterly clueless to what I'm talking about, so you can just skip that and enjoy the photos.


Set 5 1

I present the bright and cheerful..
Set 3-1

and the doomsday version..DUN Dun dunnn...
Set 3-3

That's all folks! Take care.